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All Categories > Wire Shelving > Dunnage & Platform Racks > Item # 1836DS  

Item # 1836DS, Dunnage & Platform Racks

Discounted Price $154.58

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Modular Dunnage Unit is ideal for extreme load capacities (1,500 lb.). The tubular 1'' square frame super structure and the removable wire top mat features our endurance finish.

Each unit consists of:
4 - 14'' posts
1 - 3-sided frame
1 - dunnage shelf

Mobile Dunnage Platform with 5'' Poly non-marking stem casters add flexibility. Units can be used for moving case goods and other heavy items for cleaning, warehouse and stock room applications. Finish: Endurance

Each unit consists of:
4 - 6'' posts
1 - 3-sided frame
1 - dunnage shelf
4 - 5'' swivel poly stem casters, 2 with brakes
4 - donut bumpers

Beverage & Tank Containers (2 Tiers) This unit is an effective way to tidy up and increase available storage capacity. Used frequently in restaurants and warehouse applications. Finish: Endurance

Each unit consists of:
4 - 54'' posts
2 - 3-sided frames
2 - dunnage shelves

Tank & Beverage Container (1 Tier) represents a cost effective way to keep containers off the floor for cleanliness. Finish: Endurance

Each unit consists of:
4 - 34'' posts
1 - 3-sided frame
1 - dunnage shelf




Shelf (Width)


Shelf (W x L)

18" x 36"

Load Capacity

1500 lbs


·  1836DS Dunnage & Platform Racks - 2