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Store Max 8" Shelf Bins (QSB Series)

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Quantum Clear-View Shelf Bins

Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelf Bins

Our new 8" high bins offer 95% more storage capacity when compared to the standard 4" high bins and 65% more than the 6" high bins. The new STORE-MAX 8" H bins will truly maximize and organize your space.
Quantum Clear Label Card Holders with Laser Label Inserts

Quantum Clear Label Holders with Laser Label Inserts

Clear label holders and laser label inserts. Clear label holders fits all 8" shelf bins. Package of 25.
95% more storage capacity when compared to the standard 4" high bins and 65% more than the 6" high bins.
Quantum Bin Cups

Quantum Bin Cups

Optional black dividers fit snugly, horizontally across bins to create compartments. Each bin accepts up to 7 dividers.
Bin cups have a raised, slotted label holder for easy parts identification. The entire bin cup may be removed for easy part retrieval. Available in 2 sizes and 2 colors.
Quantum Shelf Bin Extended Label Holders

Quantum Shelf Bin Extended Label Holders

Optional extended label holders are designed for larger bar code scanning. Label holders fit all 8" Shelf Bins.
Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelf Bin Dividers

Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelf Bin Dividers

Quantum Clear-View Shelving with Complete Bin

Quantum Clear-View Shelving with Complete Bin

Complete Packages with Bins.

Quantum Clearly your Storage Solution.
Complete bin systems are available with 4 different size bins on a 12" W x 36" L x 39" H unit. This all-purpose bin center is an economical high density storage system that provides easy visibility to stored contents. Bins are available in Clear.
Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Wire Shelving with Shelf Bin

Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Wire Shelving with Shelf Bin

Complete Packages with Bins.

Quantum Clearly your Storage Solution.
Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Steel Shelving with Shelf Bin

Quantum Clear-View Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Steel Shelving with Shelf Bin

Complete Packages with Bins.

Quantum Clearly your Storage Solution.
Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelf Bins

Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelf Bins

Our new 8" high bins offer 95% more storage capacity when compared to the standard 4" high bins and 65% more than the 6" high bins. The new Store-Max 8" H Bins will truly maximize and organize your space. Manufactured from high density polypropylene, Store-Max 8" H Shelf Bins are the industry standard for quality. These bins feature a molded-in label holder, built-in rear hang-lock which allows bins to tilt out for complete access when on shelving. A wide hopper front allows complete access to the contents of the bin.
Quantum Shelf Bin Extended Label Holders

Quantum Labels for Shelf Bin Series

Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Steel Shelving with Shelf Bin

Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Steel Shelving with Shelf Bin

Complete Packages with Bins
  • Economical small parts storage systems keep parts easily accessible
  • Open hopper front bins with label area, provide fast access to stored items
  • This all-in-one unit is easy to clean and will not rust or corrode
  • Heavy-duty, high grade shelving offers a 400 lb. capacity per shelf
Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Wire Shelving with Shelf Bin

Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Wire Shelving with Shelf Bin

Complete Packages with Bins
  • Easy boltless assembly
  • Wire allows air to circulate as well as provides ideal product visibility
  • Durable chrome finish ensures years of heavy-duty dependability and service
  • All welded shelf construction is supported with architectural wire trusses to provide 800 lb. capacity per shelf
  • Bins are available in 4 colors
Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelving with Complete Bin

Quantum Store-Max 8 Inch (in) Shelving with Complete Bin

Complete Packages - Includes Shelving and Bins

Complete bin systems are available with 4 different size bins on a 12" W x 36" L x 39" H unit. This all-purpose bin center is an economical high density storage system that provides easy visibility to stored contents. Bins are available in 4 colors.