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Quantum Storage Systems (Components)

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Quantum's IRONMAN 18 & 20 gauge shelves are 1-1/4" perforated with triple bends on all four sides.


Quantum's IRONMAN Offset posts are 14 gauge 1-1/4" x 1-29/32" punched on 1" centers and can be used with shelf clips or nut and bolts. Angle posts are 14 gauge, 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" punched on 1" centers and can be used with nuts and bolts. Beaded posts are 14 gauge, 1-29/32" x 1-29/32" punched on 1" centers and can be used with shelf clips or nut and bolts. Beaded posts are used for continuous runs of shelving.
Side and Back Panels

Side and Back Panels

Offset back and side panels to be used with offset posts. Back and side panels are designed for extra protection against dirt & dust, creates separation between areas and provides a more orderly appearance. Back and side panels replace back and side sway braces. Order two side panels and one back panel per unit.